yesderday was fun.(and tiring too!)ibu masak mcm2.n aku wat spaghetti bologneseeeeeeee nyam nyam hahaha.n then ade akak ipar aku nye adik nye i was the photographer on that day ok,secara x rasmi la.nervous ade,glabah pon ade.tah haoe2 gamba aku shoot.suma mcm tahi.pastu battery kong.cemane nk wat wedding photography ni?hahahha tp experience la kan.lgpon aku x wat any preparations like charging the battery n etc n i didnt expect that i will be the photographer!hahaha.ape apelah.dh lepas pon kan.soooooo tu je yg aku nk share,n i think still bole lg kat nk wish selamat hari raya aidiladha.haha.bye!
oh em,btw,esok nk jumpa si dia!yay!